Empowering you to achieve miraculous results via relationships forged with Jesus and each other

Our Gatherings

We meet on Zoom every other Tuesday at 6:30pm PST. We are all about facilitating emotional and spiritual growth so our businesses can be His tools in making it “on earth as it is in heaven”. Join Us!

Fill in the contact form and we’ll get you added to our next gathering.


Elizabeth Nixon

Elizabeth joined us for our 12/8/2020 meeting and brought revelation on how to make decisions when you desire your business to be a Kingdom business.
There are notes you can download as a pdf and a video recording of our zoom meeting.


View Elizabeth’s Notes

Click here to view Elizabeth’s notes (that she then turned into a very nice e-Book!)


Timothy Kraiss

Tim joined us for our 5/4/2021 meeting and brought revelation on how God has been walking His people through the Israelite wedding process.
There are notes you can download as a PowerPoint and a video recording of our zoom meeting.


Tim’s notes

Here is the PowerPoint from Tim’s talk

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Shawn Bolz and Bob Hasson

In a recent Exploring the Marketplace Podcast Shawn and Bob interview Miracles for the Marketplace facilitators Kristina and Chris. Click below to hear it!

Today on Exploring the Marketplace, Shawn Bolz & Bob Hasson interview Business Owners, Kristina Brace & Chris Kraiss. Kristina & Chris run Miracles in the Marketplace where they teach others in areas such as social entrepreneurship, social marketing, business planning, team building, volunteerism, creative business plan models, coaching and related resources.


We have meetings, events, special speakers, and more. Get us your email address and we’ll keep you informed!